INTRODUCTION When a family wishes to receive assistance under the HCV program, the family must submit an application that provides the GFHA with the information needed to determine the family’s eligibility. HUD requires the HA to place all families that apply for assistance on a waiting list. When HCV assistance becomes available, the GFHA must select families from the waiting list in accordance with HUD requirements and GFHA policies as stated in the administrative plan and the annual plan.
The GFHA is required to adopt clear policies and procedures for accepting applications, placing families on the waiting list, and selecting families from the waiting list, and must follow these policies and procedures consistently. The actual order in which families are selected from the waiting list can be affected if a family has certain characteristics designated by HUD or the GFHA that justify their selection. Examples of this are the selection of families for income targeting and the selection of families that qualify for targeted funding.
HUD regulations require that all families have an equal opportunity to apply for and receive housing assistance, and that the PHA affirmatively further fair housing goals in the administration of the program [24 CFR 982.53, HCV GB p. 4-1]. Adherence to the selection policies described in this chapter ensures that the GFHA will be in compliance with all relevant fair housing requirements, as described in Chapter 2.
This chapter describes HUD and GFHA policies for taking applications, managing the waiting list and selecting families for HCV assistance. The policies outlined in this chapter are organized into three sections, as follows:
Part I: The Application Process This part provides an overview of the application process, and discusses how applicants can obtain and submit applications. It also specifies how the GFHA will handle the applications it receives.
Part II: Managing the Waiting List This part presents the policies that govern how the PHA’s waiting list is structured, when it is opened and closed, and how the public is notified of the opportunity to apply for assistance. It also discusses the process the GFHA will use to keep the waiting list current.
Part III: Selection for HCV Assistance This part describes the policies that guide the GFHA in selecting families for HCV assistance as such assistance becomes available. It also specifies how in-person interviews will be used to ensure that the GFHA has the information needed to make a final eligibility determination.
PART I: THE APPLICATION PROCESS 4-I.A. OVERVIEW This part describes the GFHA policies for making applications available, accepting applications, making preliminary determinations of eligibility, and the placement of applicants on the waiting list. This part also describes the GFHA’s obligation to ensure the accessibility of the application process to elderly persons, people with disabilities, and people with limited English proficiency (LEP).
4-I.B. APPLYING FOR ASSISTANCE [HCV GB, pp. 4-11 – 4-16, Notice PIH 2009-36] Any family that wishes to receive HCV assistance must apply for admission to the program. HUD permits the GFHA to determine the format and content of HCV applications, as well how such applications will be made available to interested families and how applications will be accepted by the GFHA. The HA must include Form HUD-92006, Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing, as part of the application.
GFHA Policy Families may apply on the GFHA’s website at:
For purposes of reasonable accommodation, families may request that a paper application be mailed to them via first class mail, or may request the GFHA’s assistance in completing the online application.
Applications must be complete in order to be accepted for processing. If an application is incomplete, the HA will notify the family of the additional information required.
4-I.C. ACCESSIBILITY OF THE APPLICATION PROCESS Elderly and Disabled Populations [24 CFR 8 and HCV GB, pp. 4-11 – 4-13] The GFHA must take steps to ensure that the application process is accessible to those people who might have difficulty complying with the normal, standard GFHA application process. This could include people with disabilities, certain elderly individuals, as well as persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). The GFHA must provide reasonable accommodation to the needs of individuals with disabilities. The application-taking facility and the application process must be fully accessible, or the GFHA must provide an alternate approach that provides full access to the application process. Chapter 2 provides a full discussion of the GFHA’s policies related to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities.
Limited English Proficiency HAs are required to take reasonable steps to ensure equal access to their programs and activities by persons with limited English proficiency [24 CFR 1]. Chapter 2 provides a full discussion on the GFHA’s policies related to ensuring access to people with limited English proficiency (LEP).
4-I.D. PLACEMENT ON THE WAITING LIST The GFHA must review each complete application received and make a preliminary assessment of the family’s eligibility. The GFHA must accept applications from families for whom the list is open unless there is good cause for not accepting the application (such as denial of assistance) for the grounds stated in the regulations [24 CFR 982.206(b)(2)]. Where the family is determined to be ineligible, the GFHA must notify the family in writing [24 CFR 982.201(f)]. Where the family is not determined to be ineligible, the family will be placed on a waiting list of applicants. No applicant has a right or entitlement to be listed on the waiting list, or to any particular position on the waiting list [24 CFR 982.202(c)].
Ineligible for Placement on the Waiting List GFHA Policy If the GFHA can determine from the information provided on the application that a family is ineligible, the family will not be placed on the waiting list. Where a family is determined to be ineligible, the HA will send written notification of the ineligibility determination within 10 business days of receiving a complete application. The notice will specify the reasons for ineligibility and will inform the family of its right to request an informal review and explain the process for doing so (see Chapter 16).
Eligible for Placement on the Waiting List GFHA Policy Families applying online will be placed on the waiting list upon submission of their complete application. Placement on the waiting list does not indicate that the family is, in fact, eligible for assistance. A final determination of eligibility will be made when the family is selected from the waiting list. Applicants will be placed on the waiting list according to any preference(s) claimed, and the date and time their complete application is received by the GFHA.