Self-Sufficiency Programs
Our Client Services Department offers programs, services, and assistance to tenants and clients of the GFHA, as well as other interested community members. The primary goal of these programs is to serve, empower, and connect families with the resources they need to improve the quality of their lives and the prospects for their future.
- Resident Service Coordinators are available at several of the apartment communities managed by the GFHA, including Cherry Heights, Continental Homes, Homestead Place, LaGrave Place, and Oak Manor. Their services include: assisting residents in connecting with community agencies and programs, advocating for the needs of residents, facilitating resident meetings and neighborhood involvement, and a variety of other programs.
- Four Neighborhood Networks Learning Centers are operated by the GFHA, offering workforce training, basic computer classes, after school programming, meal sites, social opportunities, and other activities that will empower participants to become more self-sufficient, employable, and economically self-reliant.
- The Red Pine I-Brary (behind Hugo’s on Columbia) is the newest resource developed by GFHA for the community. There are computers and high-speed internet to provide the latest in technology, free wi-fi, and access to everything from job seeking to studying to social media!
- Launch is designed for motivated and committed families who are participants of the Housing Choice Voucher Program with the goal of financial independence. Launch (formerly known as the Family Self-Sufficiency Program) provides families with personal attention, guidance, referrals to opportunities, and encouragement to reach the goals participants set for themselves. In addition to the satisfaction and independence achieved, there is a financial reward for families who successfully complete their contract. Launch Coordinators will work closely with families to plan goals and coordinate support services such as: career counseling, education or job training, interviewing/resume skills, home ownership programs, job searching, money management, breaking down transportation barriers, and more. Call (701) 746-2545 for more information, or check out our Launch page.