Grand Forks Housing Authority is currently seeking a participant representative for its Board of Commissioners. Commissioners are asked to participate in bi-monthly meetings (every other month), which are generally scheduled at 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM (lunch included) on the first Thursday of the month. It is not abnormal for these meetings to run until 2:30 pm. Commissioners play a critical role in setting policy for the GFHA and the 2,000+ households served by its programs daily.
The Participant commissioner must be a housing choice voucher participant in good-standing with their housing choice voucher and their landlord. Please note: Commissioners are volunteers and do not receive any compensation for their service. Beginning September 2022, the GFHA Board of Commissioners offers a stipend to the Participant Commissioner of $100 per meeting, up to a maximum of $1,200 per year.
Grand Forks Homes, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that was founded by the members of 8 local faith congregations in 1971. In addition to 8 members representing the original congregations, the board includes 1 Resident Representative, who plays an important role in informing the Board of opportunities and obstacles within its properties. The Resident Representative is an equal voting member of the Grand Forks Homes Board of Directors. Meetings for Grand Forks Homes are held the 4th Wednesday of every month at 8:30 am. Joining virtually is generally an option for Grand Forks Homes meetings. Resident Representatives must be residents of one of the properties owned by Grand Forks Homes, Inc., and must be in good-standing with their lease and housing assistance obligations. Beginning October 2022, the Grand Forks Homes Board of Directors offers a stipend to the Resident Representative of $50 per meeting.
GFHA's Resident Advisory Board is made up of Housing Choice Voucher participants. Additional information on the RAB can be found here.
Interested in serving on one or more of the boards above? Please submit your interest below!