INTRODUCTION The GFHA receives its funding for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The GFHA is not a federal department or agency. A public housing agency (PHA) is a governmental or public body, created and authorized by state law to develop and operate housing and housing programs for low-income families. The GFHA enters into an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD to administer the program requirements on behalf of HUD. The GFHA must ensure compliance with federal laws, regulations and notices and must establish policy and procedures to clarify federal requirements and to ensure consistency in program operation.
This chapter contains information about GFHA and its programs with emphasis on the HCV program. It also contains information about the purpose, intent and use of the plan and guide.
There are three parts to this chapter: Part I: The Grand Forks Housing Agency (GFHA). This part includes a description of GFHA, its jurisdiction, its programs, and its mission and intent. Part II: The HCV Program. This part contains information about the Housing Choice Voucher program operation, roles and responsibilities, and partnerships. Part III: The HCV Administrative Plan. This part discusses the purpose and organization of the plan and its revision requirements.
PART I: GRAND FORKS HOUSING AUTHORITY 1-I.A. OVERVIEW This part explains the origin of GFHA’s creation and authorization, the general structure of the organization, and the relationship between GFHA Board and staff.
1-I.B. ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE OF GFHA The Section 8 tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance program is funded by the federal government and administered by the Grand Forks Housing Authority (GFHA) for the jurisdiction of the City and County of Grand Forks, North Dakota.
The officials of a PHA are known as commissioners or, collectively, as the board of commissioners. Commissioners are appointed in accordance with state housing law and generally serve in the same capacity as the directors of a corporation, establishing policies under which the PHA conducts business, ensuring that policies are followed by PHA staff and ensuring that the PHA is successful in its mission. The board is responsible for preserving and expanding the agency’s resources and assuring the agency’s continued viability.
Formal actions of the PHA are taken through written resolutions, adopted by the board of commissioners and entered into the official records of the PHA.
The principal staff member of the GFHA is the executive director (ED), hired and appointed by the board of commissioners. The executive director is directly responsible for carrying out the policies established by the board and is delegated the responsibility for hiring, training and supervising GFHA staff in order to manage the day-to-day operations of the PHA. The executive director is responsible for ensuring compliance with federal and state laws and directives for the programs managed. In addition, the executive director’s duties include budgeting and financial planning for the agency.
1-I.C. GFHA MISSION The purpose of a mission statement is to communicate the purpose of the agency to people inside and outside of the agency. It provides guiding direction for developing strategy, defining critical success factors, searching out key opportunities, making resource allocation choices, satisfying clients and stakeholders, and making decisions.
The Mission of the Grand Forks Housing Authority is to improve the quality of life for Grand Forks County residents through the development and implementation of projects and programs, which address the physical, social and economic needs of the community, and which make Grand Forks County a safe, decent and desirable place to live.
The GFHA's objective in the administration of the Section 8 Program is to provide affordable, safe, decent, sanitary housing to low-income families and individuals residing or wishing to reside in this community.
1-I.D. THE GFHA’S PROGRAMS The GFHA’s administrative plan is applicable to the operation of the Housing Choice Voucher program, including the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH), Family Unification Program (FUP), and Mainstream programs.
1-I.E. THE GFHA’S COMMITMENT TO ETHICS AND SERVICE As a public service agency, the GFHA is committed to providing excellent service to HCV program participants, owners, and to the community. The GFHA’s standards include:
Administer applicable federal and state laws and regulations to achieve high ratings in performance measurement indicators while maintaining efficiency in program operation to ensure fair and consistent treatment of clients served.
Provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing – in compliance with program housing quality standards – for very low income families while ensuring that family rents are fair, reasonable, and affordable.
Encourage self sufficiency of participant families and assist in the expansion of family opportunities which address educational, socio-economic, recreational and other human services needs.
Promote fair housing and the equal opportunity for very low-income families of all ethnic backgrounds to experience freedom of housing choice.
Promote a housing program which maintains quality service and integrity while providing an incentive to private property owners to rent to very low-income families.
Promote a market-driven housing program that will help qualified low-income families be successful in obtaining affordable housing and increase the supply of housing choices for such families.
Create positive public awareness and expand the level of family, owner, and community support in accomplishing the GFHA’s mission.
Attain and maintain a high level of standards and professionalism in day-to-day management of all program components.
Administer an efficient, high-performing agency through continuous improvement of the GFHA’s support systems and a high level of commitment to our employees and their development.
The GFHA will make every effort to keep program participants informed of HCV program rules and regulations, and to advise participants of how the program rules affect them.